Email notifications

2019-03-15Last updated

To notify you about the status of your cameras, SmartOffice™ sends email notifications when a fault condition or event has been detected or resolved. To help you troubleshoot email notification issues, learn about the possible causes and solutions.

Camera Disconnected

Description of cause: A camera is unreachable. An email notification is sent when SmartOffice™ detects that a camera is unreachable for 10 minutes.


If you receive this email notification, contact your service provider.

Camera reconnected

Description of cause: An email notification is sent when a camera, that was previously unreachable, reconnects to SmartOffice™.


If you receive this email notification, log on to SmartOffice™ and make sure that the camera is working properly.

Motion detected on camera

Description of cause:

This email notification is sent each time the camera detects motion.


If you receive this email notification and you feel that your camera is detecting motion incorrectly, contact your service provider.