Exporting video

2022-03-15Last updated

To create video files that can be played in media players such as Windows Media Player, you can export video recordings when watching playback video, and then store them in SmartOffice™ or download them to your local drive.

What you should know

Important: This legacy Silverlight video player process is deprecated and no longer officially supported.
This procedure describes how to export video from a tile in the View page while viewing playback video in the legacy Silverlight video player. Video is exported in the Advanced Systems Format (ASF). The maximum length of video that you can export is 60 minutes.
Important: Provided that your portal account remains active, exported video files are stored in the SmartOffice™ vault until you delete them.

If you export video from your client's SmartOffice™ portal, the exported video is stored in your vault, not theirs. As a result, your client cannot see your exported videos and you cannot see theirs.


  1. On the View page, do one of the following:
    • Select a tile whose camera is streaming live video and click .
    • To go to a specific time and date in a video recording, click Seek (), and enter a range or a specific time and date for that video recording.
    The selected tile is maximized and the timeline is displayed at the bottom of the tile.
  2. Click Export ().

    Save as video clip dialog in SmartOffice™ HTML5 video player.

  3. In the Save as video clip dialog box, set the following to define the duration of your exported video:
    Minutes before
    The number of minutes to include before the time indicated in the dialog box.
    Minutes after
    The number of minutes to include after the time indicated in the dialog box.
  4. Enter a Description for the exported video.
    The maximum is 2000 characters. If the Description is left blank, the camera name is used as the description.
  5. Click Save.
    On the Vault page, a progress bar for the exporting process appears in the list of exported video files.
    Note: Only two video exporting processes can be in progress at the same time, per user. Also, the exporting status is refreshed every five seconds.
  6. Click Vault to confirm whether the bookmark was exported successfully.
    Note: After the clip has finished converting, a blue play button is displayed next to the description in the list. Click the button to save the clip locally to your computer
    1. (Optional) To cancel the exporting process or delete the video after it has been exported, select the video from the list of exported video files and click Delete ().
  7. (Optional) To edit the Description of your exported video:
    1. Hover your mouse over the Description you want to modify, and click it when the underline appears.
    2. In the Edit dialog box, modify the Description text.
    3. Click Save.


The video sequence that you want to export was recorded on 4/22/2014 (April 22, 2014) at 4:26:45 p.m. EDT, and you have chosen a buffer of one minute before and one minute after for the exported video. As a result, the duration of the exported video is two minutes, starting at 4:25:45 and ending at 4:27:45.

Watch this video to learn more. Click the Captions icon (CC) to turn on video captions in one of the available languages.

After you finish

Download the exported video so that you can view it offline.
Important: Each user is given a maximum of 1 GB of storage space in the SmartOffice™ vault. As a result, it is recommended that you download your exported video files regularly.